"A face in the clouds (center of image), from 9:09 AM... on 5/19/20... I had hypothesized that such was an apparition of Jesus Christ, wearing a 'mask' and 'shades'... as I gazed up into the sky (via a window of my former apartment complex, in University City, MO), from where I had slept..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE: If you look closely, such is apparent...


November 23, 2021

 4:46 PM (11/23/21): "Everyday, humans go about a particular set of actions... often, repeating a similar routine... A line has 2 points, a beginning and an ending one... Life could be seen as a linear progression through time, from start to finish... but there was something that gave rise to one's point of origin... just as there is something that shall emerge... from one's point of departure..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"For after all, what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing... a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either. The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him, in an impenetrable secret. He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn... and the infinite, in which he is engulfed..." - Blaise Pascal



"I was thinking about getting a small TV for my room, earlier today... Nevertheless, I refrained from doing so... since if I were to get cable, I would only watch a few channels (CNN, for instance)... but such can be done via certain online streaming services... or at hotels (even though I go to them, relatively infrequently)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Remarking about how my time at Best Buy, was not entirely 'in vain'... not too long ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I figured I would stop by Whole Foods, and search for salmon..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Walking through Whole Foods, and approaching my objective..." - Michael Izuchukwu

[Salmon found, at 1:57 PM... today (6/29/22)...]

(salmon and asparagus, from 2:41 PM... on 6/29/22)
Michael Izuchukwu (WHIZ32) - Profile | Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1095711784314217724/?mt=login)

[summer 2020 (May*), in University City, MO...near my former apartment complex)

"What would aliens see, looking at Earth... from afar...?" - Sara Seager 

"There are more stars in the universe, than grains of sand... on Earth... I have heard that for each grain of sand, there are 10,000 stars... The estimate for the number of stars in the universe, is 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (70 septillion, or specifically... a '7' followed by 25 zeroes..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Our sun is 1 out of 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars... then... and at least 1 out of 8 planets, in our planetary system ('the solar system')... has life on such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I found this video very interesting, regarding the debate of James Baldwin and William F. Buckley... on 2/18/65... James Baldwin was the victor by a large margin, and in a sense... I felt as though he was viewed as a 'Solomon Northup'... in the context, of possessing extreme talent... with 'vocal expression/articulation'... which put him at odds, with his fellow brethren... regarding how he was described, by William Buckley..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"Over time's passage, things change... but the spectrum of such, is like 'layers of reality'... that refine our perception, of our lives..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(Dr. Manhattan, the 'blue guy' from the 2009 film 'Watchmen')

"Family time, can be nice..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I did not know that Albert Einstein was offered the presidency, in the country of Israel... in 1952..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(a photo of me, from my 2015 Seton Hall University Commencement ceremony - my physiology has changed much, since then... even though I would attest that the photo may have been subject, to 'slight alteration'... regarding the 'effects' utilized, to render my appearance...
...I guess the intent was to make me look like I was 'searching for something'...)

"If you believe in God, then God will believe in you..." - Proposal Man

"Indeed, Proposal Man... where did you get the suitcase from?" - Michael Izuchukwu

"Can't say..." - Proposal Man

"When I was in high school, I used to play the videogame Morrowind... a lot, for the console 'XBox'... Character creation was of interest to me, given each race/ethnicity... was endowed with certain attributes, and strengths/weaknesses... that influence what happens to that character, in his/her world... Playing that game, strengthened my understanding of how such 'virtual realities' are subsets... of the 'real world'... in the context, of our planet... in relation, to others (amidst the scope, of the cosmos)... and the implications of the things... which we humans, do not fully understand..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE: I haven't played videogames since the year 2013... Something didn't seem right, 'playing' my life away..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"In the context of the prior 4 videos... imagine entering a house, going into a room... and sitting in front of a TV screen (2-dimensional)... playing videogames for days... with just a break, to use the bathroom... and eat meals... Taking this a step further, imagine you begin doing this on May 1, 2013... and you stop on May 1, 2022... given that your 'enabler' has 'moved on'...
...that's a lot of passed (elapsed) time, to be immersed in a 'virtual world'... in the context of not going outside, to talk to the neighbors (for that whole time interval)... and having conversed with videogame characters, who do not have sentience ('genuine thoughts')..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"If life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time, then such is like a game... with a time limit... for which such is to be completed... If there is a timer ('one who times'), then that suggests there will be an evaluation... It does not seem wise, to play a game... within that game (in the context of a test having rules, like a game)... if one does so, then that just detracts from the time one has, to complete the actual game..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"In the context of 'who, what, where, when, why and how'... and the variables of the spirit, mind and body... these must be actively factored into one's life... if one seeks to amass the spiritual fortification, necessary... to get to heaven..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(if you want to get feedback, that you are on the path to heaven... so that years from now, you do not look into the past... regretfully, regarding that prospect):
“After His suffering, Jesus presented Himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days… and spoke about the Kingdom of God…” – Acts 1:3
"One must seek, in order to find... As a seeker, there are things which can be found... but the finder, is not always sought... Such gives credence to the notion, that Jesus Christ (being the 'overseer' of Judgment Day)... will rely on Plan B (as opposed to Plan A)... for facilitating the means, by which people enter... His 'Kingdom of Heaven'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"If you could ask Jesus Christ a question, you likely would not know how to ask the right one... unless you thought, carefully..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(regarding 4:53-5:08, apparently there is a 'bread (likely 'metaphorical') that one must eat of, in order to receive 'eternal life')
"A face in the clouds (center of image), from 9:09 AM... on 5/19/20... I had hypothesized that such was an apparition of Jesus Christ, wearing a 'mask' and 'shades'... as I gazed up into the sky (via a window of my former apartment complex, in University City, MO), from where I had slept..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE: If you look closely, such is apparent...

(1 of 2 McChicken's, from 4:21 PM... today - 7/1/22)

(updated, as of 6 PM on 7/1/22)

"Interesting video of a female preparing for a sleepover, at a friend's house... I never went to sleepovers in my childhood or adolescence (my dad discouraged such), but I suspect that she is suffering from 'bulimia nervosa'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"A video of a female, organizing her apartment... It has been said that 'cleanliness is next to godliness '... just as there is favor for mind, over matter..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"Know the difference between a friend and an associate... In the journey of life, bonds may be formed with others... that may be stronger than familial ones... Jesus Christ had 12 disciples, but they were not necessarily... all his friends... Choose yours wisely, and think about what the term 'friend'... truly means... A certain mutuality, ought to be shared..." - Michael Izuchukwu



(a photo of my roommate, from 7:57 AM... today... using the spare phone I had given to him as a gift, on 5/19/22... He recently said he is 28 years old, has been in New Jersey his whole life, never went to college, and has never been to New York City. His mom has visited a few times, since his arrival... The phone is his only recourse, for entertainment...)


Present Roommate

Former roommate:

1. Life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time... A daily agenda, can be beneficial...
(turkey and corn, from 11:25 AM, today - 7/1/22)

"Interesting scene from the 2013 movie 'The Butler,' which I was just reminded of... in the context of the following video..." - Michael Izuchukwu
